Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Looks like we're going to have a violin player in our family!

DD2 came home from school on Monday saying that she talked with the Strings teacher at school. The teacher told DD2 that she could join Strings if she wanted to. So now she'll be in Strings on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and in Choir on Tuesday and Thursday.

DD2 has wanted to take violin lessons for about a year now. I really thought it would pass, and that she'd forget. Her memory is not that great. LOL! But since she's brought it up again and actually talked with her teacher about it, we are going to let her do it. The only problem is that she needs a 3/4 violin. Have you ever priced violins? They are pretty expensive, and I hate to spend too much money on one if she isn't really serious about sticking with it. She can rent one for $25/month or $129/year, or of course we can buy one. So I started looking around online to see how much I could buy one for. The prices are all over the place! You can get one for a cheap as $30 or as expensive as $500. So okay, I thought that I'll just check Craigslist. Surely someone is selling one cheap there, but no such luck. The cheapest was $150!

So now what? What I did was post a question about what way to go to I got back several responses, but haven't been able to read them yet because that website is blocked here at work. So when I get home, I'll check and see what great advice I get from other mamas in our area!

We'll keep you posted!

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