Friday, December 5, 2008

Another weekend coming

I was finally able to get back to the post that I started last week when I was having trouble uploading photos from the weekend, and I realized it's been a week since Thanksgiving already! Time is flying by.

This week has been a quiet one for us, which is good. The only bad news is that there was an announcement made at my work that there is going to be another round of layoffs in January targeted at particular product lines instead of across the board like it was back in August. Thankfully for me, according to my boss, my team is safe.

The other disappointing thing that was announced was that they are suspending the Adoption Assistance. I'm so thankful that we were able to take advantage of that for adopting when we did back in 2007, but sad for all of those people that may not be able to adopt because of they were counting on the assistance. Anyone that has gone through an adoption understands that it is costly upfront, and the adoption assistance is a big help! I hope this is a temporary thing, but who knows. The economy is in the toilet, and our management is telling us that 2009 is going to be a tough year. No surprises there, but still not easy to hear.

We hosted a euchre party here at our house tonight. We had a great time. DD1, DD2 and two others watched the kids that were here, 4 of them, while the 4 couples played progressive euchre. It was great fun as usual, but tonight we added something that we'd never done before. DH read about it online, and decided to give it a try. He set up a pot of money and asked if others wanted to add to it. The pot was for a successful loaner. The catch was that the first person that had a successful loaner won the pot until the next person had a loaner and so on, until the last person at the end of the evening got to keep the pot of money. It added even more fun to something that we always enjoy, a friendly night of cards.

We are in a euchre group that meets once a month, but tonight was with 3 other couples. It was nice for a change, and we'll still get to have our monthly get together with our regular group too. So that's fun too! All in all it was a good night, but now I'm tired and going to bed.

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