It's hard to believe that in 4 more days, we will have been LID for one entire year! I thought when we started this many moons ago, that we'd have our Grace home and starting to adjusting to having 3 children by now. Instead we're still waiting with no specific end in sight.
Oh well, I try not to dwell on that, since there's nothing I can do about it. In the meantime, I'm a little worried that now that we're spending some of that money we've been hoarding for the adoption related costs that we'll see a speed up and be short on cash when we need it. Boy I hope not, but at the same time, if that's what happens, than I'd be happy to have her home with us and we'd figure out some way to make up the difference.
Referrals for the month are due anytime now. It appears though that they will not come for a couple of weeks because of some undisclosed issues at the CCAA. So we wait again. Most of this process is about waiting. It's a great lesson for those of us that consider ourselves impatient. It teaches great patience. This whole thing is not for the faint of heart because it's definitely a roller coaster ride.
I've written to get an appointment for re-fingerprinting, and we're in the process of getting everything done for the homestudy update. I've been to the doctor for my physical, and DH is going next week. Our criminal background check is done, and our social worker has received our child abuse background check information. I've got my employment and salary verification info, and we've got the method for our SW to get DH's. So things are again out of our hands, and we wait. At least there for a short time there were some proactive things I could do. Oh, there's one more thing I need to do to be proactive, get current on my education credits with our adoption agency. I have to read one book or take one online course, fill out the form for the adoption agency and mail it into her. Then I'll be current for a year. DH needs to get all of his 10 credits, and hasn't really started a one.
Gotta run.