Well, I knew it was bound to happen over the holidays, and it did. Last night at around 8, Gracie started running a fever. I took her temperature with the ThermoScan set on Infant/Toddler and it registered as 102.7. I was pretty surprised, as she felt warm but not near that warm. So I thought maybe something was wrong with the ThermoScan, but it registered correctly when we tried it out on the Child/Adult setting for DD1. Anyway, I gave Gracie two droppers of Tylenol and laid her down to go to sleep for the night at about 9:30 p.m.
Now, I have to tell you that we have been trying to get her to fall asleep on her own in her own crib for the past 5 nights or so using the Ferber method of putting her down awake and progressively checking on her when she cries. This was working like a charm, until last night. On the 6th night, per Dr. Ferber, I was supposed wait 17 minutes before going in to check on her and reassure her. I did, but she cried the entire time between. So I was worried about how this was working. I went in and checked on her telling her that everything was okay, that she needed to get some sleep and told her I would see her in the morning. I then left the room closing the door behind me. I knew that this wasn't going to make her happy, and Dr. Ferber had said the same thing. That is that she might cry harder after leaving the room. She did. Shortly afterwards, say maybe 5 minutes, she fell asleep and slept through the night. So, so far so good with the Ferber method.
Back to the fever. Gracie woke up this morning with a cool forehead, but was sweaty. I think the fever broke during the night, but by 12 noon she was running a fever again. I gave her more Tylenol and then left with DD1 to go to the eye doctor, while DH fed Gracie lunch and put her down for a nap. She woke up around 3:15 feeling cool, but again sweaty. Now she's acting cranky. Her cheeks are cool, but her forehead feels a tad warm. I haven't taken her temperature yet, but I suspect she's running a low grade fever. I don't know why, but it's making her cranky and clingy.
I remember when our other DDs were little and how these fevers could come and go. I hope this is the same kind of thing, and that she'll be over this soon. Oh the joys of having a baby in the house!