I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, but I didn't realize it had been that long until I saw my last entry about Grace walking. Lots has been going on, not the least of which is that Grace's walking has improved very quickly. She's pretty much a pro at it now.
First Steps came out a couple of weeks ago with 2 therapists: speech and motor development. Turns out that Grace is right on target for her age on speech, but that she needs some therapy to help develop her upper body muscles. They said that holds her shoulders up (like in a shrug) too much, and that's a compensation for lack of tummy time when she was a baby that has now caused her chest muscles to be tight and weak. So this week, Alecia is coming out to get us signed up to start occupational therapy with Grace. I must admit that I was surprised by the evaluation, but am willing to see what comes of the therapy. So on we tread!
Another thing that came and went was the consideration of adopting a 2 year old little boy from China off of the A Helping Hand special needs list. We had received an email from our adoption agency, A Helping Hand, that said that there were still children on the special needs list that needed families.Their files were being returned to the CCAA on February 9. So they wanted us to spread the word that these children needed families. Well, when I went out to take a peek at the children out there, I fell in love with a photo of 2 year old Luke. He had a repaired cleft palate/cleft lip, and was "slightly motor delayed." I inquired about Luke and the info that was available on him, including medical. I also found out that there was one other family that was interested in adopting Luke. So I read over it, noticing how small Luke was at 16 months - 15 lbs, and took the info to our pediatrician for her to look at and tell me what she sees. She came back and said that he was small - really small, and his head was large. She said she'd be concerned about fetal alchohol syndrome, but of course, she couldn't tell. I asked her off the record if she would do it. Of course, she said she couldn't answer that.
So armed with all this information and prayer, I went to DH to ask him what he thought. Oh, I should say that I didn't get to talk to him about Luke until the night before we had to decide whether to go forward. Well, his response was "I applaud that you want to help an orphan in need, but I'm just too tired." I asked himif he thought Luke was cute. His answer was "No, not at all." I didn't argue or beg, but rather just decided that it wasn't meant to be. I was disappointed, as was DD1, but not heartbroken. Later, I went out the website and there was a (Hold) by Luke's name. So I know that he'll have a chance at a family. Maybe that's why I wasn't heartbroken, or maybe the reality of having 3 children, a job, a husband, and a house to take care of weighed on me. I'm still praying for God's direction on what he wants us to do, and I still struggle with having another Chinese child that Grace can identify with in our family. For now, though, we are not adopting again. I have other things to focus on in my life - many other things, so I can live with it, for now.