A couple of weeks ago, oldest, DD1, told me she had a boyfriend. She really only told me this because she wanted to know if she could go to the zoo with him, her friend and and her friend's boyfriend and the boyfriend's parents.. Oh my gosh! OK, I have to admit that I already knew about the boyfriend. DD2 told me. What I'm concerned about is that my baby girl wants to go on a date. A date?! She's only 14 years old!!! When I told her no, that she can't go to for several reasons. First, she's not alllowed to date until she's 16. When I told her that, she said that it wasn't a date. I told her that it was, and finally I asked her what she thought a date was. She told me that a date is where you go out with a guy without anyone else there. I told her, no that what she's describing is a date. No matter what she wanted to call it, it's still a date.
So, she decided that she would ask if they could all come over to our house instead. I told her that would be fine, but that she was not to be alone with her boyfriend at any time. Her response was that DD2 would be with her. I told her that she had to be chaperoned by an adult, not a child. She didn't like that either, but she decided to give it a try.
So today her boyfriend, girlfriend and girlfriend's boyfriend all came over. I have to say her boyfriend was very polite and seemed to treat her well. Her girlfriend's boyfriend was not near as gentlemanly. He kept trying to kiss the girlfriend. To the point where it was annoying. And later when she asked me what I thought of her boyfriend, I told her I thought he was trying to kiss her too much.