Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ok. I know it's been awhile

I've been sick! I started coming down with a cold on Tuesday, and yesterday it just took me out. So much so that I ended up leaving work early. Of course, that was after I stayed up until 2 a.m. the night before working on a report for the project manager of the project I'm on. So I went into work at about 10:45 was told by my boss that if I needed to go home because I felt bad, and then left at 3. I came home and slept, slept and slept some more. I woke up this morning at 6:30 and headed into work. I still felt sick but didn't have the sore throat I had yesterday, and am feeling better. Of course, that was before I heard the news that they are having mandatory 2 week layoffs where I work. Apparently, we will be told when we will have to take 2 weeks off in either January or February, for 50% pay. Not good, huh?! But it could be worse. There are so many people that are losing their jobs all over the country. So if this is the worst it gets for us, then I feel blessed. Of course, we don't know if this is the worst, but I'm hopeful and trusting in God.

Besides that somewhat scary news, tomorrow is my last day of work for the year. WooHoo! I'm so ready to be off of work, and take a break. I'm planning on enjoying Christmas and New Years as much as I possibly can this year.

Well, better get to bed. I'll try to do better posting. I'll have more time to do so because of being off work. Oh, and I have Gracie's portraits to post. I have to scan in a copy, but I have to tell you I'm very happy with how they turned out. And I only spent $19!!!

1 comment:

Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...


I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick. I hope you're on the mend. Also, things will be fine at work. God will see you through the hard times! I love the pictures of Grandpa with Gracie! So cute!