Sorry I didn't post sooner, but I was just too tired to post anything yesterday. Then we had an early start this morning. So I couldn't post until now.
Yesterday we visited an orphanage call Exodo. It is made up of 4 homes. Each home has house parents and a cook. Two of the homes are for boys and two for girls. Right now they have 47 children living there. They take children as young as 2. The children can stay until they are adults, and have training and can support themselves. It really is a wonderful place, and it's obvious the children are well loved and cared for.
The kids all really liked the Flip, so I took lots of videos of them with it, and they were able to see me play it back right away. It was really fun, but I sure wish I could speak Spanish! It has been so frustrating to not be able to speak to the children beyond hola and adios!!!
Here are a few photos from our visit.
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