Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Gracie!

Gracie turned 1 yesterday! We celebrated by having a small family party for her at my dad's house on Sunday. My sister, her daughter, her grandson and granddaughter were there, as well as my brother, sister-in-law, their 2 daugthers and one son. Of course, we were all there with my dad too.

We started the party by having a barbecue. My dad said that it had been a long time since he'd had that many people in the house at one time. I know he's thinking about when my mom was alive. It's so sad to think that she never got meet Grace, but you know, I know that they will meet again and that she'll know Grace immediately as her granddaughter.

Anyway, after trying to eat outside, most everyone came back inside because of the bees being pests. We then sang Happy Birthday to Grace, she opened her presents and then we had cake and ice cream. I had a lady at work bake a ladybug cake for Gracie. I asked her to bake a small cake just for Gracie to dig into, so she made one and put it on top of the bigger cake. It was too cute!

It didn't take Grace long to figure out what to do with her little ladybug cake. She dug right in. I had DH strip her down to her diaper so there wouldn't be a problem with her getting icing all over her clothes, so no worries there.

Yesterday was her actual birthday, and as I reflected on her turning one I am so grateful to her birth family for giving her a chance at a better life. They probably did not know where she would end up, but we are still so thankful that they chose life for her. I pray that they know that she is loved, healthy and well taken care of!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That cake is adorable...almost as adorable as Gracie!