This week has been one crazy up and down week! First off, allergy season has hit us all full force! Everyone but DD2 that is. DH and I are both struggling the most, and DD1 has itchy eye problems.
We thought Grace might be having allergy problems too but today her runny nose turned green. So most likely she has a cold. In addition to that, she has a rash. It's kind of all over her body in spots, but the most prevalent place she has it is on her wrists. I think it must be related to a change in something: fabric softener, baby wash, sizing in new summer clothes,...? I really don't know what it is. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, and I've been putting hydrocortozone cream on her skin. That seems to be helping too.
Besides that as of last Friday, I officially changed my work day, from mornings to afternoons on Friday until Grace is done with her physical therapy. I asked her pt last week how long she thought Grace would have to continue pt. She said that it was kind of early to tell, but she thought by fall she'd be caught up. So that means all summer I might have to work afternoons instead of mornings. Oh well. It might be a challenge to do so when the older girls are out of school, but I'm sure we'll work it out somehow.
The past two Fridays I've been starting work at around 1 p.m. when Gracie goes down for her nap, and working until 5. When DD1 gets home from school at 3 she watches Grace for me while I work. So far, so good.
The other big thing this week is Dance Recital! We've had picture day, and dress rehearsal, and tomorrow is dress rehearsal at the theather. All leading up to the actual recital on Sunday. It's a BIG deal to DD1 and DD2! They are both excited. I'm anxious to see the recital, but by the time we get through it and the dress rehearsal I will have seen it 4 times. So I may not feel that way come Sunday evening!
Well, off to take DD1 to the Middle School talent show! The fun never ends!!!