Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gracie's first bike ride

This past week, we were on Spring Break. We went to an indoor water park for a couple of days, and I'll post about that later. Before we went, we had an opportunity to be outside in some beautiful weather. One of the things that we did during that time was to take Gracie on her very first bike ride.

One of Grace's 1st birthday presents last October was a bikeseat and a toddler bike helmet. Of course, once she got her present, the weather turned too cold. So we never got the chance to put the bikeseat on my bike, and so it was packed away until this spring. Well, last week, I was determined to get it mounted whether the weather cooperated or not. It was supposed to be a pretty easy installation, but as is typical, it wasn't quite as easy as the directions indicated. So DH came to the rescue and helped me install the bikeseat, adjust it, and get it working for Grace. I rode up and down the street with Gracie in the seat, and DH did too. She loved it! Of course, right after we returned from the waterpark, when I could take her out for a longer ride, the weather turned way too cold for any riding. So I can't wait until I get another chance to take her out for a real ride.

Here's a photo of us both on the bike.

Oh, and BTW, you may notice that I've gained some weight since we got back from China. I've had some trouble staying on program with WW, since we got back, and as a result I'm 10 lbs heavier than I was before we left for China! Ugh!!!

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