Friday, January 4, 2008

Guess who's sick now?

Okay. So I was feeling pretty smug with everyone around me dropping like flies to this cold/flu thing that's going around. That was until yesterday. I woke up with an awful headache, stuffed up nose/head, and slight sore throat. DH also woke up with similar symptoms. Since Gracie didn't need to be to daycare until 9, and the older girls didn't have school, he went back to bed after I left for work. I told him that I would've stayed home if I'd had my work laptop at home, but it was at the office. So I schlepped into work feeling terrible. After I got to work, I took an Airborne and felt a better. I never got rid of the headache though. So last night after work I lay down to rest while DD2, DD3 and DH all ate dinner. DD1 was at a friends house. I got up after about 1/2 an hour, feeling a little better. Today though I've still got the headache and stuffed up head. Being home from work today was a blessing, as I was able to lay down for about 2 hours this morning. I now feel better, but still have a headache. What's up with that?

Anyway, DDs are all home, so DD1 watched the other two. This afternoon DD3 has her 15 month checkup with the pediatrician. I'm kind of anxious to hear how much she's grown, as I know she's put on weight. Also, I want to ask about her development. She's not talking too much, but seems to understand everything. She's walking with a walker all over the place, but her little legs just can't seem to hold her up on her own beyond about 5 steps. I don't know if that's within the normal range or not, so we'll see. Besides that I think that she's right where she needs to be developmentally.

I haven't heard from DH to know if he's feeling better, as he went into the Y to work. I'll have to post another entry on the blog to tell all about his new temporary job at the Y while he's on leave from his airline job.

Hope everyone stays well, and if you're aren't well, I hope the bug leaves you soon!

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