Friday, September 26, 2008

Feeling down today

As alot of people around the country are feeling the sqeeze of the economy, so am I. The company I work for is downsizing to the tune of 1/4 of their workforce. They are letting go 600 people over the course of 2 months. Their are many people I know and call friends that have been affected. I'm safe for now, but I don't feel as safe as you might think. With the economy the way it is, there's no guarantees anywhere, and that's true where I work. I was feeling okay, not great, but okay until yesterday. Yesterday I had a meeting with someone that works in my old department. She told me that she'd heard a rumor from her boss that there's going to be another round of cuts that will take effect in June 2009. She said another 25%! That means that our workforce (that's salaried workforce) will be half the size it was this summer!!! And who's to say that I won't be in the 2nd round of 25% cuts?! Oh, and the other thing she told me was that instead of the severance pay that's based on the number of years you have with the company that they offerred this time around, this next time they'll give one month severance pay - that's it!

So I'm feeling squeezed. I don't want to look for another job and give up my 5 weeks vacation and ability to work from home. But I guess that's selfish. So I need to get motivated and start seriously looking for a job. But what kind of job? I don't really "love" my job. I like it okay, but I'd give it up in a second to be a SAHM. Of course, I can't do that, so do I take my skills and try to apply them to some other field or play it safe and go with another company doing the same thing I'm doing now? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Oh, did I mention that I hate looking for job? And that's it's been 15 years since I have? Now that I've whined for awhile, I just need to suck it up and move forward, but you know I'm just not there yet.

1 comment:

Lori J said...

Hello there,
Yes, as we observe the American scene and sadly the travesty of many who abused their power and also the public who did not use good judgement. I finally understood somethings as in Canada no ONE owns a bank and believe me getting $$$ out of our banks is like squeezing blood from a stone. You have to have a LOT of collateral for the smallest amount...enough these difficult time our faith is SO tested and my prayer for us all is that we lean on the everlasting arms.
Years ago my hubby and I went "peronsally bankrupt" as well as our business and that meant we lost EVERYTHING>>>>but in the midst of this dark valley the Lord showed himself to us in a way we had never experienced....well lets say we were to full of ourselves to hear him.
At this very difficult time (our teenage son also was diagnosed with cancer and given a 5% chance to live--he is now 44) for the first time we were TOTALLY dependent on the Lord Jesus...and He NEVER left us or forsaked us.


Happy Thanksgiving to us now and you in November

Lori ABIceQueen Lorisletterbox