Thursday, October 23, 2008

How will you vote?

Today I received an email from one of the women in our China travel group. She and her husband were adopting their daughter at the same time we were there adopting ours. Angie and her husband live in Kentucky. But that's not why I'm telling you about her email.

She sent me and others in our travel group a link to Randy Alcorn's blog, where he gives his opinion on how anyone that is truly prolife must vote in the November elections. He's got a good point, but I'll let you judge for yourself.

Before you go to Randy's blog, let me warn you that there is a very graphic video on the blog that is quite disturbing. I wasn't going to watch it, but decided that I needed to, if only to be able to talk about it with others that read the blog post. As I was watching the torn bodies of these babies, and their tiny little feet, hands and faces, I was thinking about Gracie. What if her birth mother had decided to take the abortion route? She very well could have, but she didn't. For whatever reason she decided to leave her in a place where she knew that she would be found and taken care of. I thank her for the decision that she made that day, one day after Gracie was born.

You know, for the past few weeks, I've been going back and forth on who I should vote for on November 4th. I was wrestling with some of the very things that Randy talks about on his blog related to the issues and personalities of the candidates. I can't say that I agree with the complete platforms of either candidate or am too thrilled about either, but after reading Randy's blog entries on the subject and watching the videos he has posted, I'm now sure without a doubt how I'm going to vote.

My prayer for you is that it will help you decide how to vote too.

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