Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Hmmm..another update

Seems I keep saying "we're still waiting", and yes we are. But since the last post, I turned 50!!! The reality of it wasn't so bad, but boy does 50 sound old! I hope Grace doesn't hate us for being so old when we decided to bring her home to be a member of our family.

We went to Chicago for my birthday and saw Wicked. What fun that was. DDs love the music and have been playing it and singing along ever since we went. The weekend with my DB and SIL was fun too. DN is soooo cute. He's just short of 4 months old. He's smiling, cooing and laughing. Too cute!

DHs father seems fine now, but it was touch and go there for awhile. He's home from the hospital. DH is back at work today after being on leave for two months.

Referrals came out on Monday. The CCAA referred from 10/14/05 to 10/24/05. So unless they speed up, we'll most likely get our referral in the end of April/beginning of May. Not too far away, but it sure seems like too far away. They've got to get through 11 days of LIDs to get to us by the end of this month. Highly unlikely!

Not too much happening. We're all healthy, working and going to school. The weekend will be a quiet one, which is good after being out of town last weekend.

Gotta get our monthly Eukre game scheduled with the neighbors. Don't think it's going to happen until April, since Jay and Darlene are busy every weekend this month.

Spring break is coming in 3 weeks! Bring it on!!!!

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