Friday, March 23, 2007

March Madness

DH has been sitting here watching basketball on tv for the last couple of hours. He doesn't get to do this too often, so I'm not complaining. But between you and me, it's BORING! So I've been surfing the net, DD1 is upstairs in her room with her girl friend, and DD2 is watching tv - most likely Disney Channel, in our room.

So it's a quiet night at home. I was going to go workout at the gym, but decided not to because we ate dinner so late. We took a shopping trip to Sam's Club, and then I had to go to Walmart for a perscription and some milk, soymilk, and oatmeal.

I have been having pain in my lower parts for about 5 days now, and was hoping that if I just ignored it, maybe it would get better on it's own. Well, I guess cysts just don't do that very often. So I broke down and called the doctor, thinking that since it's Friday, and the weekend is coming up, I'd better do something. So I called Dr. P. after getting a referral from Dr. J's office (believe that sounds easier than it was). The nurse told me that yes indeedy Dr. P. will want to see me, but there are no appointment openings until Tuesday. So they called in a prescription for Augmentin. he was thinking that it might clear up on its own. Oh, wouldn't that just be the best?! So hence the trip to Walmart pharmacy and grocery store.

DD2 is not happy with DD1 because she just won't share her friend. I understand DD1's wanting to be left alone with her friend, but darn it, I was a little sister once too where my sisters didn't want me around either. So I'm partial to DD2's complaint. Not that I've forced DD1 to play with DD2, but I do feel for DD2. I suppose DD2 will understand more about what it's like when her mei mei comes home and wants to hang around DD2 ALL the time!!! I never had that as I'm the youngest sister in my family.

Our friends heard that their adoption of a boy from Africa named Sampson is really going through. It was touch and go for awhile whether it would happen or not, but it's really going to happen. I don't know when they'll be travelling to bring Sampson home, but God REALLY worked some miracles to make this happen. I'm happy for our friends and for Sampson!

Oh, DDs jumped on the tramp for about 2 hours this afternoon. They had the afternoon off from school, and with DD1's friend over, one of the neighbor boys came over (he has a crush on the friend), and all 4 of the kids just had a great time on the tramp. The really funny part is that it rained, and they still jumped! Later after Sam's Club and dinner they went back out with a lantern and jumped some more! That is, until DD1 called me on her cell phone to tell me they saw a raccoon, and wanted DH to come out and save them! DH went out, never saw the raccoon, but got the girls safely in the house. Too funny! Our neighbor, Darlene, called and said she thought it was cute that the girls were jumping with a latern underneath the tramp. So day 3 of having a tramp was a good one!

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