Friday, August 24, 2007

More on the Bees!

Okay, so now DH is trying to plug the whole from both the inside and the outside where the bees are coming from. He thinks he's got it sealed up, and then has to get all the live bees out of the house. He spent about 30 minutes chasing bees with DDs butterfly net. He took them outside to either kill them or set them free, I'm not sure, and don't care.

He gets it down to about 4 bees in the house, so then the clean up needs to begin. Did you know that bees poop?! I didn't, but apparently they do, because we had bee poop all over the one room where they were hanging out. I had to clean all the leather furniture, and all the table tops. We ended up throwing out all paper items that were in the room, and vacuum up the dead bees. That took about 30 minutes or so, while DH chased the rest of the bees out of the house. I decided to go out to the other room to vacuum up the dead bees there, where apparently they were attracted to the picture window where the sun came in. I started vacuuming, and all of a sudden on the live bees started swarming me! I guess, he/she didn't like me messing with their bee graveyard. So I stopped until DH got the rest of the bees out of the house.

Remember that this was all happening after we'd spent the last 3 days trying to get out of China and home. We were both EXHAUSTED! This was not the homecoming that I wanted, or expected! At any rate, DH needed to get some rest, so he went upstairs to lay down while DD1, Grace and I sat down to enjoy being together. DD1 and Grace didn't even have a chance to really get to know each other yet.

Well, that wasn't to be right yet. It became painfully obvious that the bees were finding a new way to come in. I didn't want to disturb DH as he needed to get some sleep badly, so I used the butterfly net to catch them and take them outside. Well, this sounds like it's no big deal, but I am not good with bugs! Everytime I see a bee, and decide I was going to swipe at it with the butterfly net, my adrenelin would start pumping, and I'd get totally hyped. See I was worried that I'd miss it and it would decide to take revenge on me by coming after me. I have this same fear about spiders and other bugs. I'll kill them if I have to, but it's not a calm affair. So after going through this about 12 times, I couldn't take it anymore. I was burnt out. Having the ups and downs of my adrenelin levels for every bee, I was totally exhausted. I went to go wake up DH. He had at least had sufficient rest, to be able to think clearly and find and seal completely the opening from the outside. So the saga of the bees ended.

Like I said before, this wasn't the homecoming I'd envisioned or wanted!

Oh, and I promise next post, there'll be some photos of Grace and our family since we've been home!

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