Sunday, November 23, 2008

A good day!

Here it is Sunday evening already. DH and I are watching football and just relaxing. Today was a quiet day. I cleaned house some, DD1 and DD2 played PS2 games with DH, and Gracie just hung out with whomever was available to hang out with all day. She's going through a mommy phase, where she wants me over anyone else. I like that she feels connected to me to want me, and I know that this is a good sign that she is properly attached. She also loves her daddy and her sisters, but has no problem saying hi to strangers as long as one of us is closeby for security.

Grace really is an amazing little girl. I can't tell you how many times I've heard from people that they are surprised that she is only 2 years old because she's talking so well. I don't know if it's because of the First Steps therapy she went through or not, but she is something to listen to when she talks. Her favorite expression now is "Oh My Gosh!". Her intonation is too cute when she says it! It's pretty funny.

DD1 was in a good mood today too, for the most part. That's a good thing, when a moody 15 year old is having a good day. She even was playing around with me when she went to come to say good night to me by sitting on me and trying to squish me. Sometimes she's really a wonderful kid! Oh, I shouldn't complain. For the most part she is a great daughter. It's just that it's hard on all of us, when she's trying to find her own way, and doesn't really understand her own feelings nevermind ours. Because of that, I appreciate the good days like today even more!

DD2 was her usual happy self. She rarely has a bad day. I guess that could change as she approaches her teen years, but for now she is in a good place. She's not perfect, but her loving, happy spirit more than makes up for that.

I guess I'm just really blessed to have such great children. Our Hands of Hope ministry had an adoption information meeting last night at church, and I was talking with people that were interested in adoption. I was telling them that most people believe that the only reason to consider adoption is because of infertility issues, but that's not true. That was not our reason for adopting. Our reason for adopting was because God told us he wanted us to. We are being faithful servants, and praise him that we are, because if we hadn't follow his calling we would be missing out on sooooo many blessings! Yes, it's hard sometimes being older parents and having a two year old, along with 2 other daughters, but it's totally worth it! I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!

As we approach Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that God has given me the opportunity to be a part of His plan. I'm thankful to Grace's birth mother for carrying her, caring for her prenatally, and for leaving her in a place where she could be found, taken care of and brought to a place that led her to our family. I'm so thankful for my daughters, my husband, my job, my warm home, for having enough food to feed my children, and for the many blessings that have been bestowed on us all. Thank you God!

1 comment:

Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

I'm so glad to hear that all is well. Please tell Granpa hello from us. Rachel tells me he's not feeling well. I just love Rachel! She's an amazing girl! I love emailing with her. Blessings!
