Saturday, November 15, 2008

What did I do today?

I was checking some of the other blogs today, and thinking I should post on my own. So here I am, thinking "what did I do today, and what happened today that I might want to write about?". First off, it was blissfully a pretty quiet day.

We got up fairly late, around 8, and then ate a breakfast of egg and hash brown scramble ( a speciality of DH's), and cinnamon rolls. It's a rare thing that all 5 of us sit down to eat breakfast together. Even on the weekend, either one of the girls is gone, DH is up early doing something, or one or more of the girls sleep in. So it was nice to sit down together. I suppose as time goes on this will become even more of a rarity as both DD1 and DD2 become more interested in their friends, rather than their families. It's really already the case with our 15 year old. It appears to me that she only spends time with us when she has to. Now I understand that this is normal for her age, and that she's trying to figure out who she is the world, but all the same, sometimes it's hard to accept as a parent. Anyway, it was a nice relaxing morning.

After breakfast, we moved on to cleaning house. DD1 wanted to go to her girl friend's house, and the rule is you can't go anywhere until your room is clean and the bathroom is clean. So she was highly motivated. DH worked on fixing our desktop computer that crashed hard. He still hasn't been able to get it to boot. Gracie played with DD2 and kept herself busy.

Every year our church has what's called the Frontline Expo, where all of the outreach ministries have a manned booth where people can come and talk to any of the ministry representatives to find out about it, and hopefully help people find their passion for serving. This is that weekend. So I had to get to church early to get our Hands of Hope booth set up. We're having our giving tree with Christmas ornaments attached to donation envelopes for our adoption fund that we're giving away, and a medicine drive for orphans in Guatemala. And of course we have the man the booth. So my time to be there to talk to people wandering by is tomorrow at noon.

The giving tree looked really good. I'm planning on taking the camera with me tomorrow, so I can get photos. After getting everything set up at the booth, and making sure the people were there to work it, we headed into service. Afterwards we headed to DD1's friend's house because she's spending the night there, and then headed home to eat dinner. The rest of the evening was quiet. DD2 and I went to Miejer and Gracie went to bed, to get milk and other food essentials. DH went to bed early, and DD2 and I are watching Jack Frost.

And that's it for the day. Nothing exciting, nothing boring, just a nice peaceful quiet day. Ahhhh! I like those kinds of days.

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