Monday, May 21, 2007

Do I stink at blogging?

Here it is Monday morning. No news on the referral front, although I would hope we hear something in the next week or two. In the meantime, I've been living vicariously by reading others' blogs. These women seem so much more creative than I am. I read my entries and think why would anyone want to read this boring stuff. But maybe I'm looking at it all wrong. Maybe I need to remember that this blog is for me, not those out there that are reading it. Of course, if others read it and get something from it, that's fine, but it really is for me. I've enjoyed reading back over past entries from time to time. So I'm cutting myself some slack and proclaiming that the blog is serving its purpose for me.

With that I do promise to get some pictures on the blog. I just need to take some. I'm really not a shutterbug, but I will try to take more photos and post them, so we'll have something to look at instead of just the boring text.

Today I am sick. I was supposed to start our pilot activity of writing work instructions at work, but I woke up this morning feeling really lousy. I have a sore throat, my eyes are itchy, and I have a headache. I'm not sure if it's allergies or a cold, but it stinks! 

So I'm not working today. I'm trying to get myself to feel better, so I can get things going on both the work and church front. I was supposed to meet with Keith C. at church today, but cancelled. I really just can't talk to anyone because my throat hurts too badly. But I've got to get something going on this ministry. So I've moved all the materials Ron S. gave me out to the couch so I can begin reading over what he brought back from Colorado Springs. It's just such an overwhelming thing to get going! Lord, help me follow your will without fear or trepidation. I trust in You!

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