Friday, May 4, 2007

18 months LID!

Today we celebrate 18 months of being Logged In in China. 18 months ago our paperwork for adopting Grace was logged in by CCAA. Wow! That's 3 times as long as I expected this wait to be. Just think, if things had gone as we originally thought they were, we'd be home with Gracie for almost a year by now. As it is, we still don't know for sure when we'll meet her. I truly think we'll travel in July. Maybe that is wishful thinking, but that's my feeling. Of course, we'll have to wait and see. First we need to actually GET our referral.

We've had some excitement today. DDs went to their elementary school spring carnival. The girls just love this thing, but it's boring for DH and I. Of course, now with DD1 being 13, she just takes off with her girl friends, and we only saw her at the end of the night. DD2 stayed with us going from room to room playing the silly little games that the kids love so much. Another thing that happens when we go to these kinds of things at school, is that I feel like a duck out of water. I just don't feel like I fit in with all the other parents. I don't know if it's because we're so much older than most of the other parents, or if it's just that I'm shy. But not too many people talk with us. Don't get me wrong, a few do, but not many. I guess that's something that I didn't expect when I became a parent. I had visions of of hanging out with the other moms, volunteering at school and making friends with them. That really just hasn't happened. Maybe it's me, maybe it's them, but it just hasn't happened. I feel mostly like an outsider. And I know when we get Grace, it will probably be even more so.

DH is able to be home this weekend, which is good because we have Hands of Hope meeting tomorrow. Speaking of that, I need to get my rear in gear, and get some ideas down about how we're going to educate our church about Hands of Hope, International Adoption and Orphan Care. DH has some good ideas, but I haven't written them down. It looks like we're close to having a logo. How cool is that!? Maybe this thing really will fly!

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