Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rumor has it, we're being matched!

RQ says that there's a good chance that referrals for this month are in the matching room at the CCAA! There's also a rumor (not as strong) that the CCAA will get well into November 2005, so we should be a shoe-in. But you just never know on this adoption rollercoaster!

I have to admit though that I'm getting excited! I've been pretty calm this entire time, but it's just getting soooo close! I admit that I can't concentrate on anything else. I'm having trouble getting work done, and trouble getting the adoption ministry going, and trouble staying on track with getting healthy. All I think about is when we'll hear who our baby is, how old she is, what she looks like,... It's hard!

I've been reading back on my blog, and noticed that I keep bringing things up and then never really write what the outcome is. So I need to bring some closure to the things I've written about in the past. First I even though I said I was going to get back on track with my diet and health, I didn't. I had my WW meeting today, and as I expected I had gained weight, 3.2 lbs to be exact. So today, I really am back on program. I have a challenge with this weekend in Chicago, but I really am going to stick to this! I'm running out of time to get to goal before we go to China!

Okay. Also, I was sick on Monday and Tuesday, and am still fighting a the aftereffects. I went back to work on Tuesday, and feel okay. I still am having a stuffy nose. it seems to be a combination of a cold and allergies. But I did get back to working out tonight. I went to the Y and worked out on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes. Not as much as I should've, but at least I'm back at it. My goal for tomorrow is to work out before we go to Chicago. And then when we're in Chicago, I've got to figure out how to keep the activity level up. I may take a walk in John & Staci's neighborhood. It sounds like DD2 has lots of plans for us while we're there. So we'll see how it goes. I think that gets me caught up.

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