I was reading past posts on this journal yesterday, and I realized how cathartic this is and how fun it is to read old posts. There's so much that I forget from day to day about little things that happen, that it's nice to read them here. I need to make a conscious effort to remember to post the little things like that.
So I'm thinking right now: What happened today so far that would be interesting to post about? Well, nothing. But I can post about our upcoming events. My baby brother, his wife and 3 children are coming on Friday night, my sister and father are coming on Saturday, and then all us girls are heading over to my SIL's house for a baby shower for one of my nieces. Her baby is due in June (I think). I still have to get to the store to buy her a gift. I don't think it will be too hard, as she is registered.
On the topic of babies. My SIL sent out an email that Amy had her baby. Another boy, named Connor. So that brings their family total of grandchildren to 7 with 2 more on the way. My oldest sister is expecting a new grandbaby in September, and my other sister just had a new grandbaby earlier this month. So between all of them they are populating my side of the family quite nicely! When DD3 gets here, we'll have one more to add to that, although she'll be a daughter and not a granddaughter, which is just fine and dandy with me!
Anyway, back to the weekend. I'm hoping to get my SIL to help me with my organization problem in DD2's room. She will sharing the room with DD3, and DH bought a dresser for us to put in it. But there's no room. There is just too much STUFF in there. I've got to throw out some things, and organize others. My SIL is great at decorating and organizing, so I'm hoping she has good ideas. I've also got to get the dresser put together because it's right now setting in the entry way in a box patiently waiting for its permanent home. After the baby shower, I don't know what the plan is. I guess we'll hang out. DH is supposed to work, so it will be just us girls at the house with my brother and baby nephew. And if the weather is nice, there's always the tramp! It would be hilarious to see my sister on the tramp! She'd love it!!
Let's see besides that, a nurse came on Monday to draw blood, take a urine sample and ask me health related questions for disability insurance. Since I work part-time, I don't have long term disability insurance from work, and have to get it on my own. I just wish I'd been smarter and got it BEFORE I turned 50 instead of just after. It's alot cheaper before that milestone than after, but the bottomline is that I've been gambling for many years (since DD2 was about 5 months old) without carrying long term diability insurance! So it was time. Anyway the nurse was sweet. We talked a bit about family, health, house,...And after about 45 minutes, she was gone. I'll get the test results in about a week. I'm not sure when I'll hear for sure if I actually have been accepted for the insurance or not, but it should be soon after that.
DD2 hurt her neck a couple of days ago jumping on the tramp. We told her not to jerk her neck when she bounced, but of course, as kids do she didn't listen. I thinkshe got a little bit of whiplash, but she's better now, and even was back jumping again last night. DH had to work last night, so DDs and I watched American Idol. It will be interesting to see who's going home tonight. I told DD1 that it will either be Blake or LaKisha. She didn't like that too much because she's a Blaker girl!