Friday, June 29, 2007

I always knew I was G rated!

Online Dating

I found this on another adoptive mom's blog site, and decided to try it out to see what my blog is rated. As expected, I'm G rated!

Not much happening today. I took DD2 to swim team practice at the YMCA, and while I was there, worked on my laptop. Afterwards I stopped in at the Members Services office to pick up the volunteer sheets for DD1 and DD2 to volunteer to help out with the swimming classes. DD2 is totally excited about it. DD1 is not. Here's some of what DD1 had to say about this: "Why do I have to volunteer?", "I don't want to do this!", "You can't force me to volunteer!", "None of my friends' parents make them volunteer!",  and the ever present and popular with teenagers everywhere "It's Not Fair!"

Guess what, her dad and I don't care if it's fair or even if she wants to do it.  And least of all, do we care if her friends' parents are or aren't making them volunteer over the summer.Want to know why? Because life is about helping other people, and not about taking everything you can get out of it. Volunteering is a way to help other people, but it's also a way to meet and be around new people, teach children new things, experience the feeling of having a child think you're awesome because you know how to swim and they don't, and well, there's just many more good things that volunteering does for you than bad things. None of these good things are surpassed by the reason she doesn't want to volunteer which is basically that she doesn't want to do it. Besides if she doesn't volunteer this summer, then she'll be sitting around home watching tv or on the computer, and that's something we don't want to encourage too much!

When we were having this, um, conversation last night with her, I got to thinking that there were things that my parents made me do when I was around DD1's age that I just hated to do and thought I hated my parents for making me do. As an adult, it's funny how my perspective has changed. I appreciate most of those things that my parents forced me to do. Those experiences taught me things that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. That's why DD1 has to volunteer even though she thinks she doesn't want to right now.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hmmm, what to write about?

I know that I need to blog, because it's been awhile since I have, but I don't have too much new going on. I guess I can relate our weekend adventures. Let's try it out.

Friday DD2 spent the night at a friends, so DD1 and I stayed home and watched a movie on tv. I can't remember the movie, so you can tell that it wasn't much. Saturday morning, I worked out at the Y, while DD1 slept in. My dad came into town around 12:30, and we met brother and SIL for lunch at Ram restaurant. We all had a good time, even DD1! Afterwards Dad, DD1 and I went to Sam's Club to get something to take to euchre. We shopped for awhile and headed home. We didn't make it to church on Saturday afternoon, and I fully intended to go on Sunday morning. But I didn't make it on Sunday morning either.

After having a fun night of playing cards with friends, we came home and went to bed. On Saturday morning, I woke up and went to pick up DD2 from her friend's house, and then headed off to the Y to work out. After getting cleaned up, we headed over to my brother and SIL for lunch. During lunch, my brother got a call from his youngest DD's work. She had fainted, and since they couldn't get ahold of her DH, they called her family. My SIL had to spill the beans about the surprise that her DD is pregnant! What wonderful news. They think she fainted because of that, but the doctor found nothing wrong. So that's good. She's due in January. When my dad found out she was pregnant the first thing out of his mouth was that he'll have 23 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren! Wow! If only my mom could be here to share in all of the births that have occured since she died. She would've loved it!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Another VBS behind us!

DD2 was at our church VBS this week. They changed the name from VBS to Grace Kids Camp this year, but I'm not sure why. Anyway, I usually volunteer to be a small group shepherd for VBS each year. I really enjoy being with the kids, and DD2 during this time. It's really tiring, but to see the kids learn about how Jesus loves them and how He gave everything for them to be with Him forever, is great. This "tradition" started when DD2 said she wouldn't go unless I was with her (4 years ago), and continued each year with DD1 volunteering too as she outgrew VBS. Until this year. I just couldn't take the time off from work to be able to go this year, because I needed to save my vacation to go to China. I was really hard not to go, but DD2 decided to go anyway because this is her last year. In the last year, they have the 5th graders make tie dye t-shirts. She brought hers home yesterday. It's very cool!

Tonight was the culmination of the week of Grace Kids Camp. I got a call a few days ago asking if I would volunteer to serve pizza at the evening event. So I served pizza, and the girls ate and played the silly kids games. They had fun, and so did I. It was nice to talk with a few of the people and see the kids having fun. We didn't stay too long, and it was just nice.

So another year of VBS is over. Who knows how many children get the message of VBS, and how it can start a life long journey of understanding how much God loves us. But I know that it does have an impact in the long run.

DD2 asked me yesterday if I would volunteer next year, and have her be my helper like DD1 had been in the past. I told her I would if it would work out with having DD3in the child care they provide at church. So until next year!

I'm having hard time keeping up with things

Somehow my life has started spinning out of control. It seems like from the moment the girls got out of school, that things have gone crazy. I think it's because of DH traveling more than he has in the last few summers, and of course all the prep work to get ready for DD3. Not that work is any busier than usual, but it too is eating up alot of my time.

Here's what's been happening since my last post. The formation of our adoption ministry at church is picking up speed again. This is another reason that I feel like things are busier than ever. We're meeting on Monday to go over the final Frontline Ministries application for our Hands of Hope ministry. We'll see what Keith thinks and go from there.

My dad is coming in tomorrow for the weekend to play euchre at our monthly party with friends. Since DH has to fly, I was looking for a single person that could fill in. My dad fits the bill! I think he'll like the company and enjoy playing cards again. He and my mom used to play ALOT when we were kids. They played with their friends Dot and Eddie, it seemed like every week. Eddie's been dead for years, and of course with my mom dying too, the foursome had to break up. I don't think he's played in a very long time, but he definitely knows how to play. I hope it will be fun for him and for the rest of us too.

DD1 has been volunteering at the Y this week. She's enjoyed it more than she thought she would, so that's good. She has one more week of volunteering at the day camp. That will be in July. DD2 has been going to swim team at the Y 3 mornings a week, and going to VBS at church everyday this week. I'm volunteering at the final celebration at church by serving pizza. So that should be fun. Things will settle down a little maybe next week, but then again maybe not, as DD2 has 2 swim meets next week!

With the help of the greatest DH ever, we got DD3's dresser put together. It looks really nice, but we need to get it moved into the bedroom. It's setting in the play room facing the backyard. Not the best spot for it!

I've started my packing list using Erin from the October05 DTC group's list as a start. Since we're going to pack carry-on I'm trimming the list where I can. Also, we registered at Target for things for DD3. She's going to be the best dressed baby on the block if we get all the clothes that the girls swiped with the wand! They sure LOVED shopping for DD3. DH wasn't quite as taken with it. He got tired of the girls fighting about who got to scan, and begging to scan things left and right. But we made it through, and I think it really got the girls excited about having a mei mei.

So there's the wrap up of our week. I'll post a photo of the dresser later. Right now I need a nap as I didn't sleep very well last night and had to get up early to get my 4 hours of work in for my paying job.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Feeling Overwhelmed!

I know that this is a normal feeling, so I'm just owning up to the fact that I'm feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by all I have to do to get ready here for Grace, because of all I have to do to get ready to travel to China, because of the money we have to have to take to China with us, and well, I think that's enough.

I know things will work out. I know that it will all be worth it and will be ok. But I'm still nervous about it all. I wish I didn't have to work right now. I feel like I need to work on getting ready full-time, but I just don't have the time!

Whew, I feel better.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Now we wait (Some more!)

Everything has been sent to get things ready to go get our Grace. Our adoption agency received the package with the letter of acceptance, passports, visa applications, and other stuff they needed for travel preparations on Thursday. The required paperwork should be on its way to get our TA and visas. I think we'll hear something in about 4 weeks. That's puts us at about mid-July. After that we need our consulate appointment. Then we're on our way.

We've been working on getting the new bills we need to take with us for both the adoption and for the in-China travel. I just realized that my dad will have to have newer bills too for travel. I need to remember to tell him about that. I guess I'll tell him to get new bills for about half of what we need. That shouldn't be too difficult for him, since it's not that many bills. Ours on the other hand are, between needing cash for both the orphanage donation and the travel.

Besides that, I'm still working on putting together the darn dresser. I got it all together, cabinet and drawers, and of course when I tried to put the drawers in the cabinet, they don't fit! The middle drawers fit, but I can't get the top and bottom ones in. It seems the rollers are aligned correctly, but I screwed them in in the holes provided, so I need some help. I'm gonna get DH to help when he has time. Although, I don't know when that will be.

Today if Fathers Day. DH is traveling, so we haven't celebrated wit him yet. And I need to call my dad later. DDs and I went to church this morning, and then took back a tshirt to Kohls, and then went to Paradise Cafe for lunch. Pretty quiet so far.

It's HOT here! It's been in the 90's for the last severals days with no rain. We are in a mild drought according to the news. Our mayor has forbidden watering the lawn, so it's getting browner everyday. DDs have been spending a little time at the pool. DD2 more than DD1. This week is VBS week at church. DD2 will attend, and swm team is in full swing. DD1 is volunteering as a dance captain at Y camp this week. So it should be a busy week.

As for me, I need to get the care package for Grace ordered from Blessed Kids, and then start making a packing list. Besides that, work looms over my head. Busy week!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our acceptance letter will be on its way to China tomorrow!

I was able to get everything together, including my dad's visa application and passport, to be able to overnight the travel stuff to our adoption agency yesterday. Well, actually DH did the shipping part, but I got things together to go. So it was a joint effort. We also sent in our signed acceptance letter accepting the referral for Grace. The paperwork is supposed to be on its way to China tomorrow. The visa applications and passports get sent to the closest consulate office I think, but that happens tomorrow too. I guess it's takes about 4 weeks from the time that gets sent in until you get your passport back with the visa, and the same to get travel approval to China. After that they set up our consulate appointment in Guangzhou, and then it's time to make flight arrangements.

We, of course, will be flying space available because of DH's airline job, but our in-China travel will be arranged by our agency's staff in China.

One sad note is that DDs will not be traveling with us. They opted to stay home because they didn't want to miss the start of school. I can understand that, but am disappointed they won't be with us. They will be staying with friends, so they'll be well taken care of.

I'm working on putting together the dresser for Grace, although DD2 has said she want the new dresser and Grace can have the old one. We'll see. I've got the cabinet part put together, but not the drawers. I'll finish that this weekend.

My SIL and Sister are going to throw us a baby shower! How fun!! It will be on July 14, so I've got to get the names and addresses of everyone that we want to invite. I'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow.

This is finally a reality, after waiting so long!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

DD2 has butterfly curtains!

I was finally able to get the butterfly curtains up in DD2's room. I think they turned out pretty nicely, if I do say so myself! We'll see if they let too much light in, as they are pretty sheer. If so, I may have to put up blinds or a shade underneath. But for now, I'm just happy they are up and I was able to take down the towels that were tacked up over her windows since we had the new windows installed.

Here's the photos:

Now, on to the master bedroom!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Whew, what a flurry of activity!

It's now been 2 days since our referral for Grace, and things have been a little bit crazy. I had to work yesterday, so not much related to the adoption happened. But DDs were pretty busy. Both had sleepover and playdates. So I had to run them around. DD2 and I went out to dinner and then to the library. I have to say, it was great to have the one on one time with DD2. She's 10, and I don't really get much of a chance to be with just her. I'm either with her and her sister or her and her Dad. So we had a very special time, just the two of us. She's a great kid! We hadn't been to the library much either, so it was great to be able to get some books and movies to share.

I spent alot of the evening after she went to bed reading up on Chongqing and Nanchuan, and surfing the internet. I didn't get to bed until 12:30, and then had to get up around 7 to start work at 8. DD2 slept in until about 8:30, so I had a little bit of time by myself getting some work done. Shortly after that, things got crazy. Our family advocate called and said that he'd emailed Grace's translated medical records, so of course I had trouble concentrating on much else but being able to read it carefully. Unfortunately, I had a teleconference that lasted pretty much the rest of the morning. After that ended I quickly read over the report, and realized that I needed to have our pediatrician look over her medical record and let us know of any concerns very quickly because we have to send back our acceptance by mid-next week. So I quickly showered, dropped the paperwork off, and then had get DD2 over to the pool to meet up with her friends. Well, shortly after that the doctor called, told me what she'd found in the report.

Everything looked good. So now it's on to signing the acceptance form and moving forward with our adoption of Grace!!!

After that, things just didn't stop until I was able to finally sit down around 8:30. I'm pooped, and will sleep well tonight!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

We are proud to announce the referral of our daughter!

We got the call at 1:35 today about our daughter, Grace. Here's what we know so far:

Chinese Name: Nan Min Shan, DOB 10/1/06, about 2 months ago she weighed 14.3 lbs, and was 24.2 inches in length. Her finding date was 10/2/06 (so she was 1 day old when she went to the orphanage).

She is in the Nan Chuan SWI (orphanage) in Chongqing.

She is a deep sleeper (YES!!!), holds her head up when lying on her tummy; can tear paper, can roll over from back to front, can take a toy or block in one hand, crawls, and can grasp with her thumb and index finger. We get all of the translated paperwork on Friday by FedEx, but here's the photos we received! Isn't she beautiful?!

The girls were totally excited. DH was shocked at how young she is, and I was just overwhelmed with joy!!! This is a wonderful day. Today has been a great day! Thank you Lord!


Referrals are IN!

Well, rumor has it that referrals are in for the month and that the CCAA got through November 7, 2005! That means that we're in with a LID of 11/4/05!!! WOW!

All day yesterday I stayed away from RQ's website and never checked my email because I was so sick of not hearing anything about referrals. So this morning around 9, I decided to take a peek a RQ. Was I surprised when I saw that a couple of people with a LID of 11/7/05 got "the call" with their referral information. When it became real that we were actually going to see our little girl's face TODAY, I got goosebumps and felt like I was going to burst into tears! I didn't, of course, because I was sitting at my desk at work. I didn't think it would be very professional :-)!

Anyway, now we wait. One of the other waiting mothers sent an email saying she asked Ebbie (our family advocate for our adoption agency) about any news, and he wrote back and said he'd heard nothing yet. I called DH to let him know, but got his voicemail. So I left a wobbly-voiced message for him, that we would probably get the call today. Then I wrote my dad, my brothers and sisters, and my sister-in-law with the same info. Staci called back about 15 minutes later and asked me what I knew - which is nothing yet.

I have to say after over 2 years in this waiting game, it's hard to believe that it's FINALLY going to happen!!! Please, Lord, let us get our call soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Summing up the weekend

Here it is Sunday afternoon. I know that there's still some more left of the weekend, but here's the summary of what I've accomplished:

1. Finished sewing the butterflies on DD2's curtains, so now they are ready to hang (still need to hem them).

2. measured the curtain rod for DD2's window and figured how to hang the rod so the flower finnial won't hit the closet on the one side.

3. tried to drill the holes to hang the curtain rod, but ran into a snag with the power drill. The drill battery doesn't work, and DH says charging it doesn't work so well either. So I'm kind of at a standstill there.

4. went to church and out to dinner with DDs. It was nice and relaxing.

5. did laundry - not all of it, but it'll get us through a few more days.

6. went shopping at Kohls for DD's bathingsuits, and even got a couple of tops for me too (I still need those elusive affordable black dress slacks though).

7. had breakfast with a friend I hadn't spent much time with for about 6 months. It was a good time. I really enjoyed getting caught up with her and sharing my life and her life in that oh too brief time together.

8. had to ground DD1 from her friends for the weekend. So there was no trip to the mall, no sleepover, no giggling 13 year old girls at our house for the weekend.

That about brings up to now. DDs are at the pool swimming, and I'm here blogging while listening to the dishwasher run. In the meantime, we didn't make it to either graudation party for various reasons, and our house is a mess. If there's such a thing as pre-adoption syndrome (PAS), I think I may have it. I'm feeling totally unmotivated to do much of anything. It feels a little like depression with the cure being to get our referral information. I know I need to suck it up and just wait, but boy am I having a hard time doing that. I guess doing nothing is my coping mechanism. PLEASE GOD, let us get our referral soon! We are soooo close!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2007


I've had it with this week! I've lost my patience. I can't get anything done because I keep thinking about getting our referral. Nothing is happening. Today there is NO news on referrals. No guess as to when they'll come. No new guess as to how far the CCAA will get. Nothing! So I'm going to stop writing about it, and write about other things.

I drove into work today which is unusual for me, because my schedule is to work from home on Friday mornings. Today I had a diagonal slice meeting with the president of our company.I asked about viability of engineering at our location. He said we will stay a technical center, but we won't grow. The growth is coming in China, Mexico and India. That doesn't mean we aren't hiring, but the director of HR said we'd hired 50 people this last year. So not a whole lot. At any rate, I think my job is secure, unless things take an unexpected turn. I'm not worried about that right now though.

In the meantime, DH gets to go to Honolulu for work. What a lucky duck! He's in Chicago tonight and leaves in the morning. It's his first time in Hawaii, and I think he's excited about it. DDs have 2 more days of school left this school year. Then I'll have a 5th grader and an 8th grader! Wow! Time flies. Hopefully by fall we'll have DD3, but who knows what age she'll be.

Here's our weekend plans. I'm bound and determined to get DD2's curtains up and get the beach towels down off her windows. I've got the butterflies sewn on one panel, and will sew the others on tonight. I still need to figure out how the heck I'm going to get the curtain rod up with that big flower finial on it and the closet door so close on the one side. But I'm going to. Once I do that then I can hang the curtains and measure for the length. Lastly, I'll hem the bottom, iron the curtains and be done with it. Hopefully these curtains will keep enough light from coming in. They are pretty shear. We'll try them and see. Wish me luck! Oh, I also have two graduation parties to goto. DD1 wants to have 3 girlfriends go to church with us and then spend the night. I need to work out at least two of the next 3 days, and our house needs to be cleaned. I also need to get DD3's dresser put together. I'm going to put it together downstairs and have DH move it up in DD2 and her room. But before I do that, we've got to de-junk DD2's room. That should be fun - NOT! Anyway, it should be a busy weekend. Hopefully a fun one too.