Friday, June 22, 2007

Another VBS behind us!

DD2 was at our church VBS this week. They changed the name from VBS to Grace Kids Camp this year, but I'm not sure why. Anyway, I usually volunteer to be a small group shepherd for VBS each year. I really enjoy being with the kids, and DD2 during this time. It's really tiring, but to see the kids learn about how Jesus loves them and how He gave everything for them to be with Him forever, is great. This "tradition" started when DD2 said she wouldn't go unless I was with her (4 years ago), and continued each year with DD1 volunteering too as she outgrew VBS. Until this year. I just couldn't take the time off from work to be able to go this year, because I needed to save my vacation to go to China. I was really hard not to go, but DD2 decided to go anyway because this is her last year. In the last year, they have the 5th graders make tie dye t-shirts. She brought hers home yesterday. It's very cool!

Tonight was the culmination of the week of Grace Kids Camp. I got a call a few days ago asking if I would volunteer to serve pizza at the evening event. So I served pizza, and the girls ate and played the silly kids games. They had fun, and so did I. It was nice to talk with a few of the people and see the kids having fun. We didn't stay too long, and it was just nice.

So another year of VBS is over. Who knows how many children get the message of VBS, and how it can start a life long journey of understanding how much God loves us. But I know that it does have an impact in the long run.

DD2 asked me yesterday if I would volunteer next year, and have her be my helper like DD1 had been in the past. I told her I would if it would work out with having DD3in the child care they provide at church. So until next year!

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