Sunday, June 3, 2007

Summing up the weekend

Here it is Sunday afternoon. I know that there's still some more left of the weekend, but here's the summary of what I've accomplished:

1. Finished sewing the butterflies on DD2's curtains, so now they are ready to hang (still need to hem them).

2. measured the curtain rod for DD2's window and figured how to hang the rod so the flower finnial won't hit the closet on the one side.

3. tried to drill the holes to hang the curtain rod, but ran into a snag with the power drill. The drill battery doesn't work, and DH says charging it doesn't work so well either. So I'm kind of at a standstill there.

4. went to church and out to dinner with DDs. It was nice and relaxing.

5. did laundry - not all of it, but it'll get us through a few more days.

6. went shopping at Kohls for DD's bathingsuits, and even got a couple of tops for me too (I still need those elusive affordable black dress slacks though).

7. had breakfast with a friend I hadn't spent much time with for about 6 months. It was a good time. I really enjoyed getting caught up with her and sharing my life and her life in that oh too brief time together.

8. had to ground DD1 from her friends for the weekend. So there was no trip to the mall, no sleepover, no giggling 13 year old girls at our house for the weekend.

That about brings up to now. DDs are at the pool swimming, and I'm here blogging while listening to the dishwasher run. In the meantime, we didn't make it to either graudation party for various reasons, and our house is a mess. If there's such a thing as pre-adoption syndrome (PAS), I think I may have it. I'm feeling totally unmotivated to do much of anything. It feels a little like depression with the cure being to get our referral information. I know I need to suck it up and just wait, but boy am I having a hard time doing that. I guess doing nothing is my coping mechanism. PLEASE GOD, let us get our referral soon! We are soooo close!!!!

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