Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hmmm, what to write about?

I know that I need to blog, because it's been awhile since I have, but I don't have too much new going on. I guess I can relate our weekend adventures. Let's try it out.

Friday DD2 spent the night at a friends, so DD1 and I stayed home and watched a movie on tv. I can't remember the movie, so you can tell that it wasn't much. Saturday morning, I worked out at the Y, while DD1 slept in. My dad came into town around 12:30, and we met brother and SIL for lunch at Ram restaurant. We all had a good time, even DD1! Afterwards Dad, DD1 and I went to Sam's Club to get something to take to euchre. We shopped for awhile and headed home. We didn't make it to church on Saturday afternoon, and I fully intended to go on Sunday morning. But I didn't make it on Sunday morning either.

After having a fun night of playing cards with friends, we came home and went to bed. On Saturday morning, I woke up and went to pick up DD2 from her friend's house, and then headed off to the Y to work out. After getting cleaned up, we headed over to my brother and SIL for lunch. During lunch, my brother got a call from his youngest DD's work. She had fainted, and since they couldn't get ahold of her DH, they called her family. My SIL had to spill the beans about the surprise that her DD is pregnant! What wonderful news. They think she fainted because of that, but the doctor found nothing wrong. So that's good. She's due in January. When my dad found out she was pregnant the first thing out of his mouth was that he'll have 23 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren! Wow! If only my mom could be here to share in all of the births that have occured since she died. She would've loved it!

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